Sourdough bread
25gms of Original OG Mushrooms
1 tbsp Mustard sauce
4 tbsp plant-based mayo
1-2 ripe tomatoes
A handful of washed and dried lettuce
A handful of chopped red cabbage
A splash of olive oil
Pinch of sea salt
Pinch of black pepper
Thinly chop the red cabbage and cut the tomato into roundels.
Transfer the cabbage into a bowl with the salt and pepper and massage with your hand to soften.
Cut 4 slices of sourdough bread. Heat some olive oil in a pan and toast the bread in a frying pan, a couple of minutes on each side until golden brown. Transfer the toasted bread onto a plate.
Wipe the pan with a paper towel and heat up your Original OG Mushrooms.
Meanwhile, spread a thin layer of mustard sauce on 2 slices. Do the same with a generous layer of Vegan mayo on the 2 other slices.
Mount your sandwiches starting with the mustard-laden slices: cover the toasts evenly with your slices of tomatoes, then half of the Original OG Mushrooms, then red cabbage and lettuce. Close with the remaining slices to make the sandwiches.
Cut the sandwiches into 2 with a bread knife and enjoy with some hot sauce!
Mushrooms are nature’s hidden treasures, a reminder that beneath the surface, there’s a world of flavor waiting to be discovered.
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